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Luck? God? Coincidence?

Tinha um encontro marcado... Num sitio que não conhecia e estava a ficar atrasada! Vi uns polícias (a quem dava jeito perguntar onde era o local procurado) numa transversal há rua que eu estava... Sentido proibido (claro!!!)... Ok... Penso eu, viro na rua a seguir, dou a volta ao bloco, apareço por trás deles e pergunto-lhes! Assim faço... e... Ruas de sentido unico, obrigatórios virar pra todo o sitio que não quero ir... Cada vez me afasto mais dos polícias.... Aiiii... Que estou completamente perdida, agora!!!! Em ruelas pequenas no meio de uma cidade que não conheço! Já sei: Vou seguir um carro... Perdida, por perdida, ele vai-me levar a algum lado... E assim fiz: segui um carro! Um qualquer... Sobe... Vira há direita e.... Ooohhhh... Estou há frente do edíficio que procurava!!! E a horas!!!!

A person got to do what a person got to do!

Quando eu era uma miudinha, passava por este aqueduto, no meio de lado nenhum, a caminho de Lisboa, seguindo atalhos pra fugir ao transito em hora de ponta... Depois descobri a Fotografia e passei a desejar fotografa-lo. Mais ou menos 20 anos depois: Objectivo atingido!!!

Times of happy innocence

Life, the universe, and everything...

A bit about God

[...] If God existed (concerning wich Jubal maintained neutrality) and if He wanted to be worshiped (a proposition wich Jubal found improbable but nevertheless possible in the light of is own ignorance), then it seemed wildly umlikely that God potent to shape galaxies would be swayed by the whoop-te-do nonsense the fosterites offered as "worship".[...] [...] The universe was a silly place at best... but the least likely explanation of random chance, the conceit that abstract somethings "just happened" to be atoms that "just happened" to get together in ways wich "hust happened" to look like consistent laws and some configurations "just happened" to possess self-awareness and two "just happened"[...] No, he could not swallow the "just happened" theory, popular as it was with men who called themselves scientist. Random chance was not a sufficient explanation of the Universe - random chance was not sufficient to explain


[...]had an almost Martian attitude toward "hurry". Being aware that he had but a short time to live and having neither Martian nor Kansas faith in immortality, he purposed to live each golden moment as eternity - without fear, without hope, with sybaritic gusto. [...] "A strange in a stranger land" Heinlein


[...]Here's to our noble selves! There are damned few of us left.[...] [...]This is Freedom Hall, my dear. Everyone does as he pleases... then if he does something I dont like, I kick him the hell out.[...] [...]Man is the animal who laughs[...] "A stranger in a strange land" Heinlein

You are not in my debt!

[...] and we are in your debt.[...] [...]Now let's get something straight: you are not in my debt. Impossible - because I never do anything I dont want to . Nor does anyone, but in my case i know it. So, please don't invent a debt that does not exist, or next you will be trying to feel gratitude - and that is the treacherous first step toward complete moral degradation. You grok that? [...] Gratitude is a euphemism for resentment. [...] The japonese have five ways to say thank you - and every one translates as resentment, in various degrees. [...] "A stranger in a strange land" Heinlein

Blue... Again!


Destino Final

Pois... Be happy! (rule nº2)

Lucky me!!!

Do you grok "grok"?

[...] Grok means "to drink". [...] It means fear, it means love, it means hate [...] you cannot anything unless you grok it, understand it so thoroughly that you merge with it and it merges with you - then you can hate it. By hating yourself. But this implies that you love it, too, and cherish it and would not have otherwise. Then you can hate - [...] Grok means indentically equal. [...] Grok means to understand so thoroughly that the observer becames part of the observed - to merge, blend, intermarry, lose identity in a group experience. [...] Thou art God. God groks. You grok. [...] "A stranger in a strange land" Heilein

Be happy!

Be happy!!! Rule number 1!!!

Stranger in a Strange Land - Robert A. Heinlein

"(...)Eventually Stranger in a Strange Land became a cult classic , attracting many readers who would not ordinarily have read a work of science fiction. The late- 1960s counterculture , popularized by the hippie movement, was influenced by its themes of individual liberty, self-responsibility, sexual freedom and the influence of organized religion on human culture and government, and adopted the book as something of a manifesto . (...)Like many influential works of literature, Stranger made a contribution to the language: specifically, the word " grok ." In Heinlein's invented Martian language, " grok " literally means "to drink" and figuratively means "to understand," "to love," and "to be one with." This word rapidly became common parlance among science fiction fans, hippies, and computer hackers, and has since entered the Oxford English Dictionary among others."
"Ser humano é isto: ver a futilidade existencial absoluta de qualquer acção, de qualquer luta - e agir, e lutar. Ser humano é isto: eternamente tentar chegar para além da possibilidade de alcance. Ser humano é isto: viver eternamente ou morrer a tentar. Ser humano é isto: perpetuamente perguntar as perguntas sem resposta, na esperança de que perguntá-las irá, de qualquer modo, apressar o dia em que serão respondidas. Ser humano é isto: lutar em face da certesa do insucesso. Ser humano é isto: persistir. Porque ser humano é isto: rir daquilo que outrem chamaria tragédia. Isto, é ser humano: se se tornar necessário, cometer hara-kiri, mas com um sorriso nos lábios" Stardance (1979) Spider Robinson & Jeanne Robinson.

Todos têm... É minha vêz, pô!

Provavelmente páginas pretas pra todo o sempre! Mas assim... vou poder comentar os blogs dos outros ;) hehe Dizem? Esquecem... Não dizem? Disseram... Fazem? Fatal! Não fazem? Igual... Para quê esperar? Tudo é sonhar... shadow... aí vou eu!