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More of the same

My own woods


A walk in the gardens...


I have to post this image I found in the internet! It's too much acurate to ignore it... ;)

Valis, vulgo: Vast Active Living Intelligence System, de Philip K. Dick

Vai ser o proximo livro a ser parafraseado aqui... Acabei de o descobrir (27 anos depois de ser escrito), e Deusa, mmm... Deus, mmmm... entidade superior? Zebra, eu propria... Ele proprio... mmm... Acaba por ser: Eu sou Deus, tu és Deus, Deus é aquele que groca, de uma maneira filosófica totalmente diferente! Primeiro: O escritor Philip Kindred Dick (16 de Dezembro de 1928, Chicago – 2 de Março de 1982, Santa Ana, Califórnia), também conhecido pelas iniciais PKD, foi um escritor estadunidense de ficção científica que alterou profundamente este género literário. Apesar de ter tido pouco reconhecimento em vida, a adaptação de várias das suas novelas ao cinema acabou por tornar a sua obra conhecida de um vasto público, sendo aclamado tanto pelo público como pela crítica. Filho de um funcionário do governo federal, a sua irmã gémea morreu quase à nascença. Os seus pais divorciaram-se quando Philip contava quatro anos de idade. Acompanhou a mãe na sua mudança para a Califórnia, onde estudou...


[...],Jubal said to Duke, "where the hell have you been?" "thinking" "Doesn't pay. Makes you discontented. Any results?" "yes," said Duke, "I've decided that what Mikes eats is his own business." "Congratulations! A desire not butt into other people's business is eighty percent off all human wisdom." [...] "Stranger in a Strange Land" Heilein

The kiss

[...] "In a moment. Anne? What's so special about the way that the lad kisses?" [...] "Mike gives a kiss his all atention." [...] "I've been kissed by men who did a very good job. But they don't give kissing their all attention. They cant . No matter how hard they try parts of their minds are on something else. Missing the last bus - or their chances for making the gal - or their own techniques in kissing - or maybe worry about their jobs, or money, or will husband or papa or the neighbors catch on. [...] but when Mike kisses you he isn't doing anything else. You're is all universe... and that moment is eternal because he doesn't have any plans and isn't going anywhere. Just kissing you." She shivered. "It's overwhelming." "Hmm-" [...] "Stranger in a Strange Land" Heilein

Water Brothers

[...] "Mmm, there's that. Mike, have you ever kissed Dorcas?" "No, Jubal. Only today did I learn that Dorcas is my water brother." "She is?" "Yes. Dorcas ana Anne and Mirian and Larry. They are your water brothers, my brother Jubal." "Mmmm, yes. Correct in essence." "Yes. It is essence, the grokking - not sharing water. I speak rightly?" "Very rightly, Mike." "They are your brothers." Mike paused to think the words. "In the catenative assenblage, they are my brothers." Mike looked at Dorcas. "For brothers, growing-closer is good." [...] [...]"Jubal, if I offered Mike a glass of water, would he go through that lodge routine?" "I think he would. Duke, the only human characteristic Mike as is an overwhelming desired to be liked. But I want to make sure that you know how serious it is. I accepted water brotherwood with Mike before I understood it - and I have become deeply...

"Thou art God!!!"

[...]"Jubal my brother, you were ask me, 'who made the world?' and I did not have words why I did not grok it rightly to be a question. I have been thinking words." "so?" "You told me, 'God made the world.'" "No, no!" Harshaw said. "I told you that, while religions said many things, most of them said, 'God made the world.' I told you that I do not grok the fullness, but that 'God' was the word that was used." "Yes, Jubal," Mike agreed. "Word is 'God'." He added, "You grok." "I must admit I don't grok." "You grok," Smith repeated firmly. "I am explain. I did not have the word. You grok. Anne groks. I grok. The grasses under my feet grok in happy beauty. But I need the word. The word is God." "Go ahead." Mike pointed triumphantly at Jubal " Thou art God " [...] "Stranger in a Strange Land" Heinlein

Bolas!!! Meias bolas?

Mornings are beautiful
